Friday, April 18, 2008

Reference Question of the Day

*phone rings*

me: Memorial Library Reference Desk. Can I help you?

Ollie, the well-known creepy phone guy: What's the alphabet in Canada?

me: ?? They speak English in Canada.

Ollie: They do?

me: Well, yes, except in Quebec, where they also speak French.

Ollie: Well, then, what's the French alphabet?


Anonymous said...

But in the french alphabet, you have to inverse the "G" and the "J"...

French-speaking librarian
Montreal, Quebec

Miss Maggie said...

I've also come to discover that in French words are spelled with a whole bunch of letters and then you pronounce NONE of them. :)

Anonymous said...

You're right ! :)!!

And even in English, we (canadians) write «colour» instead of «color» !!
